We’re bringing even more convenience to people’s private browsing. For those who use Keepsafe Browser and Keepsafe Photo Vault, now there’s an easy way to securely save pictures you find on the web. Since Keepsafe Photo Vault is where millions of people store their photos, we’ve made it simple for them to save images they find with Keepsafe Browser.
Save images you view with Keepsafe Browser directly to a private “From The Web” folder within Keepsafe Photo Vault. Easily add images from Keepsafe Browser to Photo Vault:
- Multiple images: Access Keepsafe Browser’s top menu and select images to save to Photo Vault
- Single image: Long tap on an image to save it to Photo Vault
Keepsafe Photo Vault locks private pictures behind a password-protected PIN code and provides secure backup. Since Keepsafe Browser was designed with privacy in mind, you never need to worry about others’ seeing your searches. Both Keepsafe Browser and Photo Vault include password-protected PIN screens, giving you control to protect personal privacy on your phone at all times. People who use Keepsafe’s apps tell us our apps and features bring them the peace of mind that comes from having control and feeling safer in today’s world.
We know that people need more tools to keep their personal lives private, especially online. Whether you’re concerned about keeping private web searches to yourself or keeping personal pictures out of sight, we’ve got you covered at Keepsafe. You can store photos safely and have a private experience as you browse the web. In fact, the more Keepsafe apps you use, the better protected your privacy and security will be.
Keepsafe Browser Designed to protect private web searches
Keepsafe Photo Vault Secure storage for personal photos
Keepsafe Unlisted New phone numbers to protect personal information
Keepsafe VPN Privacy on public networks and sites around the world
Keepsafe App Lock Locks apps on your phone
We’re always working on new ways for our simple, privacy and security apps to protect every aspect of your privacy. We’re committed to protecting your photos (wherever you find them) as well as your web browsing. Try Keepsafe Browser and Keepsafe Photo Vault together to bring more privacy to your digital life!
Also published on Medium.